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How to renew your registration

Registered translators are required to renew their registration every year, regardless of their status on the Register.

This takes place in the month that the translator was first admitted (for example, if a translator was admitted in July 2011 then renewal should be completed by 1st July each year).

Forms for annual registration are sent out approximately four weeks prior to the month of renewal but if you have not received it please contact admin@nrpst.org.uk

In order to renew your registration you must:

  • complete the annual renewal form, sign it (wet signature) and send it to us (could be via email if scanned)
  • pay the current renewal fee (see Fees),
  • provide an up to date photo
  • provide 10,000 words/10 days of translating/10 engagments as evidence of translation (in the public service context and in the past 12 months).


NOTE: You must inform NRPST as soon as possible of any material changes to the details we hold on our records and on the online register. In case of any changes to your security clearance(s) you must inform us immediately.


Evidence of Public Service Translation (PST) must include:

  • Registrant's name
  • date(s) of completion of assignment(s)
  • language pair and direction of translation (each registered language direction must be evidenced)
  • number of words translated (usually based on the source text) or number of days of translation work or number of translation engagements; depending on the type of proof
  • clear indication that the work was done in the public service context


Acceptable evidence

Acceptable evidence must be on official headed paper and signed, stating the relevant language direction, and includes the following:

  • Claim forms from public service bodies
  • Witnessed logbook
  • Letters/emails from a Public Service Organisation. Original letters, scanned copies and emails are acceptable.
  • Letters/emails/portal reports from translation agencies (must not be a company owned or managed by the applicant/Registrant)
  • Translation of Police statements as part of an interpreting assignment


Other forms of evidence may be accepted at the Registrar’s discretion where there is a plausible portfolio that meets NRPST’s standards.


Unacceptable evidence (if provided on its own)

  • Self-generated lists
  • Own invoices
  • Booking forms or letters confirming bookings
  • Work undertaken outside of the UK
  • Interpreting work


Please renew promptly before your twelve month registration period ends as this helps to keep our administration costs down. Payment of renewal fees can be made by credit or debit card via the Translator's Room.


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