How to join the Register
This section contains all the information and documents that you will need to make your application to join the Register. You must be a minimum of 18 years old; there is no maximum age limit but translators must produce medical confirmation of their ability to undertake translating work if requested to do so by the Selection Panel.
Please ensure you have read and understood the following information which detail the requirements for registration of your language direction:
- Qualifications and Experience Criteria for Entry
- Security Clearances (optional)
- Entitlement to work in the UK
- Code of Conduct
- Disciplinary Procedures
- Fees
To apply, please contact for an application form.
All documents supplied as part of the application process may be checked with the original authority, eg qualification certificates with the awarding body, security clearances with vetting authority. Applications which meet the criteria are considered by the NRPST Selection Panel who make a fitness to practise assessment.
Evidence of Public Service Translation (PST) must include:
- Registrant's name
- date(s) of assignment(s) completion
- language pair and direction of translation (each registered language direction must be evidenced)
- number of words translated (usually based on the source text) or number of days of translation work or number of translation engagements; depending on the type of proof.
Application timescales
Applications take approximately two to three weeks to process but may take longer if the application form is incomplete or additional material is needed. Applications with qualifications not previously recognised may take much longer as we will need to liaise with the institution that ran the course/qualification.
Annual registration
A translator's language direction registration is valid for one year from the month it is accepted onto the Register. Each translator must renew their listing annually.